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Dizzy house defender

(April 2020- April 2020)

Dizzy house defender is all about rotating the camera to earn either cash or reducing the difficulty. Dizzy house defender is a mini tower defend game designed to hook the player in for a short period of time. 

Life Is Simu

March 2020 - April 2020

- Design scary cooperative experience.
- Design an in-game puzzle.
- Implement scare tactics.

Da Wae

(Jan 2018- March 2018)

This was a fun little project I put together because I found the knuckle meme to be quite hilarious and I was at that time inspired to make a game about it. 

Dang space shooter

(Nov 2016- Nov 2016)

Dang space shooter is a 2D shoot em up game. This was a one-man team project, and it was the first hard coding game I made.


(Oct 2016- Oct 2016)

Scrapper is a third person adventure game base on an apocalyptic setting. This was a six-man team project. Unfortunately, we were unable to salvage the project. We did have a video of it, at 10:45 on the youtube video on the top is when my level start. Enjoy.


Shane the naked time traveler 

(May 2016- May 2016)

Shane, the naked time traveler, is a game I made for comedic amusement because sometimes I think people take video game too seriously and forget to have fun. This is 1 man team project, and it one of the early project I made.

Dang Ping pong remix

(May 2016- May2016)

Dang Ping Pong Remix is a different take toward the popular ping pong the game. In this game, your paddle controls the opponent paddle on their side of the goal. This was a one person project and its one of my first project made in Unity

First two project

Japan in the snow

(March 2016- March 2016)

Japan in the snow is a scene to show the viewer a visual representation of what Japan looks like according to me. This was a one-person project, and the samurai castle was all made in MAYA.

Meaningful life

(May 2016- May2016)

This project shows my philosophy toward a meaningful life. The philosophy was for one become at peace; one must become one with nature and must be above all suffering. This was a one person project and everything in the scene was made out of just Unity primitive. 

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